Getting Started with Privacy Scanning
Discover the power of Privacy Code Scanning: Gain data flow visibility, detect leaks, and ensure privacy-by-design. Join our team for real-life case studies and a hands-on demo.
8:35 am
60 minutes
Ben Venker
Principal Product Manager at Privado.ai
Uncover the potential of Privacy Code Scanning: Attain comprehensive data flow visibility, proactively detect and prevent data leaks, and effectively implement privacy-by-design. Engage with our team as we delve into real-life use cases and provide a hands-on demo, illustrating how organizations bridge the privacy-engineering gap through code scanning.
In this Webinar:
- Learn what Privacy Code Scanning is.
- Discover what Data Flow Discovery & visibility could do for your organization.
- Learn how to leverage standard and custom policies to identify, prioritize and fix data security risks at the application and organizational level.
- See how to streamline privacy by embedding privacy checks into engineering workflows.
- See how you can generate dynamic data maps that are always up-to-date with the latest version of your products.
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