Mobile App Privacy

Automate privacy compliance for mobile apps

Scan your mobile app code to discover data flows to SDKs and trackers and discover sensitive permissions. Test consent using publicly available app files. Ensure continuous privacy compliance.

Identify all personal data and 3rd parties
Detect sensitive data leaks to SDKs
Ensure apps always honor consent

Privacy controls designed for mobile apps

Dynamic Data Maps

Monitor data flows from apps to 3rd parties

Identify and classify all personal data elements processed by mobile apps. Discover all third-party trackers and SDKs in each app. Track flow of each data element to any third party in real-time.

Explore Dynamic Data Maps
Auto-Risk Discovery

Implement programmatic SDK governance

Continuously audit apps for compliance with your privacy policies. Scan app’s code to detect new data, SDKs, and risks after each app update. Prevent data sharing risks by triggering reviews before unapproved SDKs or data flows go live.

Explore Auto-Risk Discovery
Consent monitoring

Audit consent banners to ensure compliance

Regularly scan mobile apps to ensure CMPs properly collect and act on consent by location. Run 30+ checks for GDPR, CPRA/CCPA, GPC, IAB’s TCF, PIPL, and PIPEDA compliance by country and identify the exact line of code violating regulations.

Explore Consent Compliance
Smart Assessments

Autopopulate assessments with real-time data

Efficiently create RoPAs, PIAs/DPIAs, Apple Privacy Manifests, and Play Store Data Safety Reports pre-filled with how personal data is collected, used, shared, and stored. Minimize input needed from developers. Automatically update assessments after each code scan.

Explore Smart Assessments

Sync to OneTrust and other privacy tools

Centrally manage data maps and assessments in Privado or other privacy tools like OneTrust or TrustArc. Autopopulate and auto-update data maps, assessments, and risks in other tools with accurate, up-to-date information from Privado. Save your teams months of manual data mapping and assessments

Recent Enforcement

Prevent fines as privacy enforcement increases

Privacy fines from the FTC, California AG, and GDPR regulators have recently ramped up. The FTC in particular has dramatically increased scrutiny for sensitive data sharing to advertising SDKs.

 See recent FTC fines

“Privado ensures that our privacy compliance reports match our data flows even as our product evolves.”

Aleksandra Kovačevićl
Director, Head of Product Trust

“Privado helped us prevent any accidental sharing or tracking in our product by enabling us to structurally build privacy into our SDLC.”

Puneet Thapliyal

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